If you were to ask me why I love coaching, I would tell you that my heart absolutely overflows with joy when I am able to develop a relationship with another woman that helps her move from Point A to Point B. It's true. Most importantly, I don't have to have the answers! By listening and asking thought-provoking questions, a coach is able to help her client define her goals, problem-solve, and see her dreams become reality. It was December 2011 in a conversation with another superintendent's wife, that I learned about coaching. It lit a fire inside me and I jumped on the first available opportunity for training. It was during that time that I also learned the value of having my own coach. Being a procrastinator, by nature, my coach held me accountable to meet deadlines I had set, taking me another step closer to reaching my destination. She asked questions that helped me think outside the box and affirmed me as, together, we celebrated my progress. What girl doesn't want to be heard? To feel that her life has meaning? Has purpose? I love being the person who listens, prays for discernment, asks the right questions, and watches as her client succeeds at being who God created her to be. I love coaching!
Our Vision:
Every leader needs to be coached; every leader needs to become a trained coach. Categories
August 2018