Frequently Asked Questions
What is Coaching?
Coaching is "the art and practice of enabling individuals and groups to move from where they are to where God wants them to be...a coach leaves each person being coached with increased self-confidence, clearer direction, and greater fulfillment than he or she would have had otherwise. Coaching helps people expand their vision, build their confidence, unlock their potential, increase their skills, and take practical steps towards their goals. Unlike counseling or therapy, coaching is less threatening, less concerned about problem solving, and more inclined to help people reach their potentials."*
As Christian Life Coaches, we include the Holy Spirit in the coaching process to give insight and discernment. In partnering with the Holy Spirit, we join with His transformational work in our clients' lives.
Coaching is "the art and practice of enabling individuals and groups to move from where they are to where God wants them to be...a coach leaves each person being coached with increased self-confidence, clearer direction, and greater fulfillment than he or she would have had otherwise. Coaching helps people expand their vision, build their confidence, unlock their potential, increase their skills, and take practical steps towards their goals. Unlike counseling or therapy, coaching is less threatening, less concerned about problem solving, and more inclined to help people reach their potentials."*
As Christian Life Coaches, we include the Holy Spirit in the coaching process to give insight and discernment. In partnering with the Holy Spirit, we join with His transformational work in our clients' lives.
*Dr. Gary Collins, Christian Coaching: Helping Others Turn Potential into Reality
How much does it cost?
Fees for coaching are negotiable between coach and client. Recommended guidelines for SMDCN coaches are $25 per hour if coach has less than 100 coach training hours; $50 per hour if coach has 100 or more coach training hours. Coaching fees can be paid by a bartering exchange, can be given pro bono, and can be as low as the price of a cup of coffee.
Fees for coaching are negotiable between coach and client. Recommended guidelines for SMDCN coaches are $25 per hour if coach has less than 100 coach training hours; $50 per hour if coach has 100 or more coach training hours. Coaching fees can be paid by a bartering exchange, can be given pro bono, and can be as low as the price of a cup of coffee.
How much time does it take?
A coach can create a package of sessions, set up an on-going schedule of sessions, or contract on an as-needed basis. Usually a session is one hour. The coach and client make an agreement on number of sessions, how and when to meet, cost, and expectations before starting the actual coaching.
A coach can create a package of sessions, set up an on-going schedule of sessions, or contract on an as-needed basis. Usually a session is one hour. The coach and client make an agreement on number of sessions, how and when to meet, cost, and expectations before starting the actual coaching.
What happens in coaching?
The coach builds a relationship with the client, listening and asking powerful questions that require more than a yes or no answer; provides confidentiality, and a plan of accountability and support to the client.
The client sets the agenda, decides the purpose, the direction, and the outcome. From the questions, the client gains new perspectives and possibilities that lead to action steps. The client ends the coaching relationship feeling hopeful, accomplished and resolved.
The coach builds a relationship with the client, listening and asking powerful questions that require more than a yes or no answer; provides confidentiality, and a plan of accountability and support to the client.
The client sets the agenda, decides the purpose, the direction, and the outcome. From the questions, the client gains new perspectives and possibilities that lead to action steps. The client ends the coaching relationship feeling hopeful, accomplished and resolved.
How do I get a coach?
SMD Coaching Network has trained coaches ready to be your coach. Go to Find a Coach to contact a coach from our list of trained coaches, or if you need more help, contact us. We'll be glad to help you find a coach.
SMD Coaching Network has trained coaches ready to be your coach. Go to Find a Coach to contact a coach from our list of trained coaches, or if you need more help, contact us. We'll be glad to help you find a coach.