God-centered coaching has the power to transform lives...both your life and the lives of those whom you minister to on a consistent basis.
Coaching uses relational influence to develop and empower others. Ultimately, coaching is forward-looking and action-oriented. It provides us with the focus necessary to take dreams and make them realities.
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"Going through the coaching training has been extremely beneficial to not only my life but to my ministry as a pastor. Rather than simply telling people what they should do and hoping for the best, coaching allows for an avenue in which the Holy Spirit can lead and guide the individual down the path that God had chosen for them. The training that I received during the SMD Coaching Network classes, as well as the follow-up training, has helped to give me the necessary skills to successfully fulfill my role as a coach to not only other pastors, but also to members of my congregation. I truly believe that what I have gained through the SMD Coaching Network will assist in taking my role as a pastor to a greater level of effectiveness."
Chris Gray Lead Pastor, Bethel Assembly, Sedalia, MO |
SMD Coaching Network uses the CoachNet Training System.